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Friday, May 27, 2016

Dancing with America's Darkside


America Wants a World of Vassal States

May 25th, 2016 

Stephen Lendman
America’s deplorable dark side reflects pure evil, an agenda, including:
  • endless wars on humanity, raping one country after another, murdering millions of helpless victims, creating nightmarish dystopian conditions everywhere it shows up;
  • g monied (as in gangsta) interests exclusively at the expense of beneficial social change, transforming America into a nation of paupers, run by super-rich elites;
  • criminalizing whistleblowers and activists for justice, systematically destroying fundamental freedoms at home and abroad, tolerating nothing interfering with its hegemonic agenda.

Lunatics in Washington fear real democracy, governance serving everyone equitably and fairly, peace and stability, nation-state sovereign independence, and mutual cooperation among all nations, a level playing field benefitting everyone.

They want a world of subservient vassal states, serving their interests exclusively, controlling global resources, exploiting populations as serfs.

Regime change is longstanding US policy - targeting all sovereign independent states, war its usual strategy of choice, other times coups, installing puppets like in Ukraine, many times assassinating “uncooperative” leaders, replacing them with convenient stooges.

America demands its choices run key world institutions - the Bank of International Settlements (the central bank for central banks), all other central banks, the IMF, World Bank and other financial institutions, the UN, the World Trade Organization, labor groups, the OECD, judicial bodies, academia, the clergy, everything everywhere.

Hegemons demand everyone worldwide march to the same drummer. Washington insists its rules alone apply, obedience demanded. Deviants are punished, independent thought and reasoning not tolerated.

Orwell’s envisioned future “imagine(d) a boot stamping on a human face forever” - Big Brother watching everyone. Huxley’s dystopian, totalitarian Brave New World portrayed one controlled by mind manipulation and soma (a narcotic drug), people assigned to certain roles, conditioned to accept them docilely.

America combines characteristics of both worlds - including a permanent state of war against invented enemies combined with police state repression, targeting nonbelievers, along with bread and circuses (soma) distracting people from what matters most.

The narcotic of weekend football, other popular sports, shopping, television with nothing to watch but watched anyway, and other favored diversions manipulate people to ignore their own welfare, accept a miserable status quo instead of demanding something better.

The courage of persecuted Palestinians is absent in America. Societies where serfs love their masters or cower under their boot aren’t fit to live in - the deplorable state of today’s America, a warrior police state, threatening humanity’s survival.

The political philosopher Montesquieu (1689 - 1755) said “(t)here is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”

Rule of law principles no long matter in America. State terror replaced them, disguised as humanitarian intervention and democracy building, as well as maintaining order and security.

A permanent state of war exists. US streets are battlegrounds. Lunatics run things. Washington’s criminal class is bipartisan. The unthinkable is more possible than ever - humanity-destroying nuclear war.

Humans may become the first species ever to destroy themselves, exterminated by arrogance, hubris and overreach - emanating from Washington, partnered with Israel, Britain and other rogue states, ending life on earth, returning it to its state before bacteria emerged or however things began.

We’re our own worst enemies as long as lunatics in Washington run things. They’ll kill us all if not stopped.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".

Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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